Thursday, December 27, 2007

We've noticed a disturbing plethora of...

... a new species in our neighborhood. I saw a few of them pop up last year, but nothing like this year's numbers. They seem to be accumulating.

It seems that the holidayyus luminarius has taken up residence in Panor@ma subdivision. Cousin of the common Odocoileus hemionus mule deer, the luminarius also exhibits similar behaviors, such as seasonal movement. However, despite observations, we are unable at this time to determine where the luminarius goes besides grassy front-lawn areas and ultimately garages for most of the year.

Unlike its deer cousins, the luminarius does not camouflage itself with grays and browns in shrubbery. Quite the opposite, the luminarius somehow frightens predators away with its unusual phosphorescence, only detected after nightfall.

The economic importance of this species to humans seems to be nominal, however the luminarius appears to bring joy to young children and the elderly, who enjoy having them occupy their lawns. Research and observation have also indicated that the luminarius seems to multiply in adjacent areas. For example, the house across the street had a luminarius last Christmas, and since then, five other neighbors have created habitat for the glowing animal.

We, of course, are taking precautions to discourage the luminarius from migrating into our habitat. They make Maxwell nervous and we don't need any more poop to scoop in our yard.


Anonymous said...

you lost me at luminarius...

merry holidays!

Anonymous said...

What I hate is the dumb blow-up monstrosities that dot the landscape here. Makes me want to put on a ski mask and run around with a bb gun and deflate them all. How's that for Christmas cheer?