Sunday, February 17, 2008

Yesssss you have the right address!

Just in case you're wondering, yes, it's still us.

I decided we needed a new look for 2008. Since I've graduated to using automatic windows and defrosting side mirrors, it's time for the blog to move on up in the world as well.

Nothing much to report here lately. I'm surviving school. Twelve school days until CSAP and I'm trying not to care that much. Because there's not too much more I can do to make a difference in a few test scores until then.

Survived V-Day. Did I mention that I'm part of the anti-V-Day movement? I wanted to wear clothing with skulls and stuff that day, but seeing as how I'm teaching elementary school and we were supposed to have a PARTY or whatever, I decided to tone it down and not be a grinch about the whole thing.

In case you're wondering, NO, I did not wear a teacher sweater with a blinky heart on the lapel. I make it a point to never wear electronic devices as accessories. Or teacher sweaters, for that matter.