Thursday, August 16, 2007

The backup plan ...

or, I think I'll go live in a cave

So I went to substitute teacher training yesterday. Which is something I never thought I would actually be attending. I just signed up to be safe and have it be my backup plan. And here I am using it. Along with the retired teachers who sub for fun and the scary people with no apparent social skills who can't get a job. And I'm one of them now.

This goes along with my theory that I like to plan FOR things, but I don't like USING the plans when it comes down to it.

I should be happy to be done with school and relieved to not have to do any of the mind-numbing bureaucratic work in the program, but instead I'm depressed about having to use my "backup plan."

Why am I so upset about it? I'm going to make money, I don't have to worry too much about being responsible for test scores or the other headachey things that schools are famous for, and I'm frustrated. For one more year, I can go on a vacation whenever I want, and I'm pissed about it.

I think it all comes down to dealing with people who start conversations when they just shouldn't go there. There's much more to me than just a JOB or SCHOOL but they don't get it.

Once again I have had to restrain my urge to poke people's eyes out (even over the phone) for saying STUPID crap things in response to me not getting a "real job." I've resorted to the shortest possible responses and not furthering the conversation which they were dumb enough to start. Like these:

Anonymous Relative 1: So I hear you're unemployed.
Me: Yep. (long pause)
AR 1: Huh. Where's the soda?

AR 2: So you haven't heard anything about the job?
Me: Nope. (long pause)
AR 2: Well, it will be good to sub for a while. That way you'll figure out where you want to be. (Nevermind the fact that she KNOWS I want to BE in my OWN classroom, not pinballing from school to school.)
Me: Yep.
AR 2: And could you be hired a few weeks into the school year?
Me: Mmm-hmm.
AR2: Well at least then you'd have a classroom. (Didn't she just say it would be good to sub?)
Me: Yeah.
AR2: You'd have to hit the ground running.
Me: Yeah, I know.
AR2: Well, that would be good. (What???)
Me: I'm screwed either way, so it really doesn't matter, does it? I have to go.

AR3: So did you get a job for fall?
Me: Looks like I'll be subbing for a while.
AR3: Oh. Well, I meant a real job. Like at a school.
Me: Do you know where the drinks are?


Anonymous said...

I need somebody to wash my cars. You could always drive out to the house and let me pay you for that.

Of couse, you could host big barbecue parties at your house and charge people for coming.

Oh, wait -- nevermind.

Erin said...

I take it you're not going to the party requiring a $10 cover for entry?

Nah, us either.