Sunday, September 17, 2006

Don't adjust your screen - we're BAAAACK!!!!

Don't check the address - this is McWiggins 2006 with a new-and-improved look.
(Which means our former look was old and inferior)

Nevermind that. In an attempt to start fresh and rid myself of my non-blogging habits, it's time for a change.

Not that this makes it any better, but I think we can attribute the non-blogging to a few factors.
1. Erin being swamped with homework all summer.
2. Third-graders sucking all the life out of Erin this fall
3. Erin attributing bad ju-ju to the computer because she only uses it for meaningless crap homework for the past four months. Begone, bad ju-ju!!!

(ignore the dead chickens in the corner and the Marie Leveau biography, please)...

Thanks to those who have been checking this site for months to no avail. I'm back, baby, I'm BAAAACK!

1 comment:

mary faybik said...

It's about friggin time! Glad to see you're getting with the times and look forward to reading more...more, more, more!!!!!!!!