Sunday, May 06, 2007

It'll all be over soon...

Isn't that what you say to your kitty that you're putting to sleep? That's what everyone's been telling me about this friggin' joke of a teaching program at Mesa.

Well, it will all be over soon. This week, hopefully! I have a presentation I have to give tomorrow, then my licensure should be taken care of. Yippeee! And then after just a few more short weeks of school with the kids, I'm good to go.

I'm actually going to be very sad to let go of my precious little fifth-graders. I've loved every minute with them, even when I was exasperated because one of them told me his essay that I spent 30 minutes editing was accidentally shredded for his cat's litter box (because the cat had surgery and couldn't use regular cat litter) and was covered with urine so he couldn't make the changes.

Now THAT's more creative than "my dog ate it," right? Gotta give him points for that.

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