Thursday, November 16, 2006

Slipping away...

Does anyone else feel like they blinked and summer was over? I can't believe that I'm being assaulted with Christmas bling already. Ugh.

Needless to say, things have been busy at my new school. I was placed in a fifth grade with 50 students. They're great. I look forward to going. The days go so fast, it's like time actually has another dimension at school.

Last night, I helped out with a Charlotte's Web book fair reading thingy. Got stuck handing out safety coloring sheets. Blech. Finally gave up on trying to make them fun and started telling kids they could make paper airplanes out of them, IF they read about how to not get hit by the bus first.

The most exciting moment of the night came from the star of the show, Nellie Belle. You see, Nellie is a potbellied pig. Wearing a pink, studded collar. She's a punk pig. And at one point during the evening, she was out of her cage for some reason. I heard a first-grader yell, "It POOPED!" and run screaming down the hall. Oink oink oink oink. Nellie Belle trotted past the cafeteria door, kids yelling and laughing.

So this is my life now. Really not that different than the days when old, senile guys would call the newsroom wanting me to write stories about farm animals that happened in 1950. Right? At least this is live-action.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You crack me up...who else would let their students make paper airplanes out of safety papers?! What if they poke an eye out? Would that not defeat the purpose of the safety info?! Anyway...Happy Turkey Day and don't get shot at over there.